After some research Ive been wondering if its even possible to find the files in first place. Once the playlist, album, or podcasts in your library are downloaded, you’ll see a little green arrow next to them. Country Unites States Device Laptop Operating System Windows 10 I recently downloaded some music and have been trying to find the files on my PC for a while now and havent had any luck. Select the playlist, album or podcast and press the down arrow.Find the playlist, album or podcasts you want to download.Open the Spotify app on your Apple Watch. 1/4 The music giant is to music what Netflix is to TV and, unless you’re very discerning (or very unlucky), you’ll find a great selection of your favorite music (and more) in a very.(We recommend downloading when your iPhone and Apple Watch are connected to Wi-Fi, otherwise it's going to rely on your iPhone's LTE connection, which is going to drain data.) Spotify is one of the best music streaming apps in the world. Before starting, make sure that your Apple Watch or iPhone is connected to Wi-Fi or LTE. Its annoying when Spotify automatically downloads new songs and albums when youre on. Downloading Spotify music onto your Apple for offline listening is very simple - and it can be done either on your iPhone or your Apple Watch.