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'Even if they are afraid to tell somebody, no matter what they think is going to happen, it's going to be for the better,' she said. 'If they tell somebody, it's going to change.' Favs: Bazzill Cardstock, HS flowers, All Ribbon and Least Fav: Letter Stickers, eyelets, punches I used no cardstock and the flowers arent HS. Its a rare treat to dress my twins similarly. Masha's courage may now assist lawmakers as they look for ways to combat the growing child-porn industry.Īuthorities say one in five children is now approached by online predators in what Congress calls a multibillion-dollar industry.

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Nine other people have been convicted in federal court for downloading Masha's pictures. There are dozens of notices of other pending cases, a number that does not begin to reflect the actual number of potential defendants in criminal and civil cases. In July, President Bush signed Masha's Law, which dramatically increases the fines and penalties for downloading kiddie porn. It's part of a larger law called the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006, which requires convicted child molesters to be listed on a national Internet database and face a felony charge for failing to update their whereabouts.

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